You also need 2 years minimum of business operations to apply for an Unsecured Business Line of Credit and for our 100% Commercial Loans for expanding businesses.
But for financing of commercial real estate there is no minimum length of time you have to be in any particular type of business. You do not have to currently own a corporation or an LLC. You could purchase an apartment building or office building or strip center without ever having owned one of those types of properties as long as the income from the property was more than enough to cover the projected debt from the new financing.
And coincidentally, we are one of the few places you’ll find in the country that can provide you with a “blanket” mortgage covering 5 or more residential and/or commercial properties. So we’d love to talk to you about how we might be able to assist you with refinancing some of those properties and replacing a whole lot of little mortgages with one or two big ones and under much better terms. Or to help you purchase a group of individual properties with one loan.
Please send us your package to take a look at or click below for to get a Quick response to your Commercial Loan Scenario. Simply provide us with some VERY BASIC information and we'll email you a pre-approval:

Tony DeCresie
Your #1 Source for Commercial & Business Financing
Office: 863-298-8900 eFax: 863-877-4456 Cell: 813-833-3132
Get All 3 FICO Scores and Credit Reports .
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